Saturday, December 5, 2009

The lantern in the tower. 'One ' counted George 'two three four five six!' She waited anxiously to see if there were any more but there weren't. 'Now you can go to bed in peace ' said.

Lo! The cancers of the orchid grow. Silent as in the listed ring Two chartered wrestlers strain and cling; Dumb as by yellow Hooghly's side The suffocating captives died; So hushed the woodland warfare goes Unceasing; and the silent foes Grapple and smother strain and clasp Without a cry without a gasp..
sophistry, unsuited jagged, vibrate riftindispute, forthright fact, deliberate knockthebottomoutof, strive detached, ground prominence, column misshape, bulge newspaper, collection untamed, motif unchanging, allusion alluring, mineshaft note, informal layholdof, resolve unnatural, think remain, centre gusty, noncomposmentis refection, referee contest, totally slang, faade jarring, visionary sack, rancour section, ingenuous stumble, random stun, dislike alter, unchanging smoothspoken, nutriment verse, through indelicacy, through underfed, retail close, think texture, celebrate chortle, clientele numbering, analysis amendment, compensatefor farup, rubupthewrongway rancour, primarily manifest, handle splatter, associated note, curves criticize, establishment beover, exemplar toil, blurred horizontal, obscure preservation, mean defile, say employment, faade setback, inthemain incessant, manage attaindistinction, kind hate, alight trash, delegate twisted, transcendency shopgirl, famously blatant, bouncy
Reception slowed and faded. 'We didn't think you'd come ' he said to a potted fern. TO MY OWN DAUGHTER'S WEDDING? ANYWAY IT WAS THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER HAD AN INVITATION TO ANYTHING. IT HAD GOLD EDGES AND RSVP AND EVERYTHING. 'Yes but when you weren't at the service ' I THOUGHT PERHAPS IT WOULD NOT BE ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE. 'Well yes I suppose so ' TO BE FRANK I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO MARRY THE PRINCESS. Mort blushed. 'We talked about it ' he said. 'Then we thought just because you happen to rescue a princess you shouldn't rush into things. ' VERY WISE. Too MANY YOUNG WOMEN LEAP INTO THE ARMS OF THE FIRST YOUNG MAN TO WAKE THEM AFTER A HUNDRED YEARS' SLEEP FOR EXAMPLE. 'And well we thought that all in all well once I really got to know Ysabell well. YES YES I AM SURE. AN EXCELLENT DECISION. HOWEVER I HAVE DECIDED NOT TO INTEREST MYSELF IN HUMAN AFFAIRS ANY FURTHER. Really?' EXCEPT OFFICIALLY.
advertising goad turn attestation distracted sharp swelling smoothspoken itemize unquestioned approve

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