Saturday, December 5, 2009

I knocked and rang again still no answer. I cursed the laziness of the servants that they should lie abed at such an hour for it was now ten o'clock and so rang and knocked again but more impatiently but.

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Languages studying history seeing the best pictures and enjoying good society would all be hers. No wonder the quiet face under the modest gray hat beamed as it turned wistfully toward the unknown world before her and that her thoughts were so far away she was quite unconscious of the kind eyes watching her as Mrs. Homer sat placidly knitting beside her. "I shall like the Mouse I'm quite sure. Hope Lemuel will be as well satisfied. Ethel is charming when she chooses but will need looking after that's plain " thought the lady as she glanced down the deck to where her husband stood talking with several gentlemen while his charge was already making friends with the gay girls who were to be her fellow-passengers. "Daisy Millers I fear " went on Mrs. Homer who had a keen eye for character and was as fond of studying the people about her as the Professor was.
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